The non-fiction books

The editor held discussions with nine well-known personalities from science and literature about various aspects of racism. Every conversation is followed by references. Content:
Robert Miles: History of Racism;
Edward W. Said: The Construction of the "Other";
Albert Memmi: Colonialism and Racism;
Günter Grass: Asyl and Xenophobia in Germany;
Wolfgang Benz: Anti-Semitism;
Wolfgang Wippermann: Antiziganism;
Birgit Rommelspacher: Sexism and Racism;
Teun A. van Dijk: Press and elite racism;
Stuart Hall: Cultural Identity and Racism.

The conversations took place during the shooting of a film in which Johannes Agnoli explains how a radical critic, that is, who goes to the root of the evils of capitalism, can hibernate even in these difficult times without falling into resignation. Agnoli shows that "out of date" does not necessarily mean the loss of topicality. “The state is a palace that you enter but that has no back exit. The most you can get is up in this palace. You can go into the institutions, but then you stay inside. Many feel happy about it. That is the fascination of the social, the bourgeois power relations. A fascination, however, from which we basically all suffer. "
Here you can find the film "The negative potential"
Johannes Agnoli - The negative potential Johannes Agnoli in conversation A film by Markus Mischkowski, Christoph Burgmer, Siddho Varza, D 2003, 70 min.

"Controversy over the Koran is an excellent introduction, not only to Luxenberg's innovative and controversial research approach, but also to the broad field of Koran research and the history of Koran interpretation." -Martin Bauschke, zeitzeichen-. "Current research in Arabic and Islamic studies about the most powerful book in the world." (Der Spiegel) With contributions by Angelika Neuwirth, Nasr Hamid Abu Sayd, Michael Marx and Christoph Luxenberg, among others
Verlag Hans Schiler
Language: German
3. Auflage (2007)
Broschur, 212 Seiten
ISBN 9783899301458

Contrary to what neoliberal beliefs claim, the increasingly unrestricted global market has not brought us general prosperity, but a deep gap between North and South as well as East and West, global poverty and increasing inequality. The world economy is not shaped by growth, but by the fear of global stagnation. In the industrialized countries, too, more and more people are among the losers from globalization. Social standards and the democratic principle itself are also up for grabs here. But at the same time a global network of resistance has developed. A global alliance of victims is emerging. Alternatives to market fundamentalism are not only possible, they are necessary if a global economic catastrophe is to be averted, the worldwide process of depoliticization is to be stopped and submission to new totalitarian forms of rule is to be prevented.
Well-known globalization critics from North and South take stock and discuss alternatives: Horst Afheldt, Michael Albert, Elmar Altvater, Samir Amin, Maude Barlow, Walden Bello, Joachim Bischoff, Chico Whitaker Ferreira, John Holloway, Birgit Mahnkopf, Patnaik Prabat, Wolfgang Sachs, Shrirang P. Shukla, Yash Tandon.
Burgmer, Christoph / Fuchs, Stefan (Hg.):
Global Total
Eine Bilanz der Globalisierung
Neue Kleine Bibliothek 101, 246 Seiten
discounted remaining copies
ISBN 978-3-89438-308-4
Sunallah and Amina were once lovers in the past. They meet again during the dramatic events in Tahrir Square in Cairo in January 2011. Together they take care of the seriously injured young revolutionary Farid. But what initially looks like a hopeful new beginning turns into a desperate struggle for a way out as a result of the political events.
Titel: Tausend Tage Hoffnung
Autor: Christoph Burgmer
Preis: 20€
ISBN: 3942490315
EAN: 9783942490313
Kinzelbach, Donata Verlag
10. September 2017 - gebunden - 184 Seiten